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The italian market

New investments in green technology and modernization present a highly attractive opportunity for Danish companies to expand their exports to Italy. 

why invest in italy?

Italy holds significant economic and trade importance both within Europe and globally. For Danish companies, it serves as a strategic gateway to the Mediterranean region, offering opportunities in green transition, digitalization, healthcare sector modernization, and agriculture and food industry modernization.

With a GDP of approximately USD 2.0 trillion, Italy ranks as the world's 11th largest economy and the third largest within the Eurozone, following Germany and France. Its strategic location and historical prominence make it a pivotal player in European trade dynamics, contributing substantially to the region's economic stability and growth.

Market size and export to Italy 

Italy is Denmark's 11th largest export market, with exports totaling around 40 billion DKK annually (2022). Exports to Italy increased by 5.4% in 2023 compared to the previous year, with medical and pharmaceutical products leading as the largest export category. Additionally, Denmark exports a diverse range of goods to Italy, including machinery, industrial equipment, food products, and electronic appliances. 


Kilde: Danmarks Statistik d. 10. maj 2024 tabel SITC2R4Y (varer) og BBY (varer og tjenester).


The Business Climate in Italy 

The Italian business climate reflects deep regional differences. Northern Italy offers better conditions with a stronger industrial sector, innovation, and a diversified economy, benefiting from new infrastructure and technology. In contrast, Southern Italy, despite its tourism industry, faces higher unemployment, low productivity, and a less developed business sector. 

These regional disparities can affect market opportunities and require a differentiated approach to business strategy in Italy. 


Export opportunities through Italy's National Recovery Plan

Opportunities for Danish exports have been further boosted by Italy's National Recovery Plan (EU's Next Generation Recovery Plan). This plan, with a total investment of EUR 222 billion, focuses on green transition, digitalization, and healthcare improvement. These investments have already led to economic growth, with a 4% increase in 2022. Continued growth of 0.6% is expected in 2024, driven by higher real disposable income, lower inflation, and additional investments from the recovery package.

Read more about the Italian recovery plan here. 


Our focus sectors

Key areas of business potential has been identified in areas such as green energy, modernization of the healthcare sector, and modernization of primary agriculture and the food industry. There is a growing demand for technical expertise due to capacity challenges in these sectors. Danish strengths align well with the priorities of the Italian recovery plan. Therefore, we provide daily support to Danish businesses entering these key sectors in Italy.


Economic key figures for Italy (2024) 

  • Population: 59,03 million
  • Largest Cities: Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo
  • GDP Growth: 0,8% 
  • Inflation: 1%
  • Unemployment: 7,5%